Hold High Your Light

When day has turned to darkest night,
When man has turned on fellow man,
When love has been displaced by spite
And there is bloodshed o’er the land,
Aloft a fervent prayer I’ll send,
I’ll hold my candle high and then

I’ll search the corners of the world,
’Cross deserts dry, swim oceans wide,
Climb mountains high with faith unfurled,
Tread fallen cities, countryside.
And ’fore my journey’s at an end
Perhaps I’ll see the hearts of men.

Beyond the petty grievances,
Beneath the jealousy and hate,
O’er the walls and stalwart fences
I’ll search for peace and contemplate;
Perhaps I’ll find that hope is rife
Above the sordidness of life.

And though I falter I’ll press on
And gather up each tiny light
I find until the dark is gone,
‘Til love’s victor’ous over might,
‘Til all can know His promised life
Beyond misunderstandings, strife.

Linda E. Newman  ~
©June 28, 2003 Used with permission
All rights reserved.
Read more of Linda's poetry   Here

Music "This Little Light Of Mine"
for entertainment purposes only





The painting used in this set is called "Small Angel's Prayer"
by Mary Baxter St Clair.  Used with permission.

All graphics on this page are © of Lil Kitty, 2001-2003.